About Re-Attunement of Reiki (the Usui Method of Natural Healing) at Prana Healing

Since we opened our treatment room, we’ve been offering
“every day” Reiki treatment over 26 years.


Reiki Master Kawahara started practicing Reiki for his son who have had problem with hemiplegia (paralysis of half of one’s body from infarction). Now his son entirely recovers. With this experience, he’s been also studying Oriental medicine and caring for people who has various kinds of troubles.

Up to now, we’ve been treating some of serious cases or diseases, such as mental illness, developmental disability, cancer…and so on. Today we have many clients from all over the world, and those numbers totally go up over 20,000 people and also those who had Reiki attunement are over 10,500.

Kawahara heard of that many Reiki masters and teachers in other countries say “there is no Reiki master today in Japan who can offer the practical Reiki treatment as in the 1930s.” So he’s trying to get spread “capable of curing” Reiki abroad with his 17 years practicing.

When you have stronger power and higher quality energy of the re-attunement offered by the Reiki master practicing many cares and treatments, you can get further transcendence and also improve yourself.

Reiki session

Reiki Session (About an hour and a half) Regarding payment ¥10,000 (cash only, cards cannot be used)

Re-Attunement of Reiki (the Usui Method of Natural Healing)

Re-Attunement and Reiki Session (total in 2 hours) Regarding payment ¥30,000 (cash only, cards cannot be used)
For reservations, send us direct e-mail.
*This program covers only who had the first Reiki attunement or initiation already.
*We can also accept an order of the re-attunement of Karuna Reiki. Regarding payment ¥30,000 (cash only, cards cannot be used)
*After you had our re-attunement, you can consult us anytime with e-mail. Master Kawahara responds the messages through our translating staff.
*Please note that Kawahara is now coming in English, so the conversations are half way in Japanese, sorry.
*Arrange a translator for foreigners.

Room 201, 2-15 Yayoi-cho, Inage-ku, Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture

Application Form





    *We accept your e-mail 24 hours and we’re sure to reply.
    If you couldn’t get our reply in 3 days, please send here again.

    *For reservations, please notice your 1st, 2nd and 3rd request date and time. We’ll send you back our reply, thank you!


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